Where have all the flowers gone?

Author Frederica Matthewes-Green once described the Emerging church movement as picking and choosing from the Church just those theological and liturgical resources they choose. It is like picking flowers and putting them in a vase. While they may be attractive at first, when cut off from the living Tradition and theology which is their native context, they quickly die.

Steve Hayes posted this comment by Frederica Matthewes-Green which describes more than just the emerging church.  It is relevant for understanding much of America’s fondness for extreme  individualism as it relates to church preference. It is another description of supermarket Christianity.  Fill your cart with those things you like and hope it is a balanced diet.   Fr. Orthohippo

About Steve Hayes

I used to be Anglican, and was sometimes asked about my Churchmanship. That sort of thing is important to Anglicans, or used to be when I was one. If anyone is wondering, it is Revolutionary Orthodox (which is an entirely different thing from an orthodox revolutionary). Google “Death to the World”, “Youth of the Apocalypse” and “the last true rebellion” if you want to learn more.

I am pro-life.

Which means that I am


anti-capital punishment


In terms of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of civilizations I’m a walking clash all by myself, with the fault lines running right through me, because I am

African by birth

Western by education

Orthodox by second birth (birth from above)

If you want to check out this helpful blog, check on Khanya in the blogrol, or google it.

via Where have all the flowers gone? « Khanya.

About Fr. Orthohippo

The blog of a retired Anglican priest (MSJ), his musings, journey, humor, wonderment, and comments on today's scene.
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1 Response to Where have all the flowers gone?

  1. Fr. Ernesto says:

    I agree with Brother Steve with many things on his blog about the charismatic movement. I still look back at it with a certain ache in my heart for the idealism that launched the movement and the desire to be closer to the Lord. Nevertheless, the busts were so strong that they damaged too many people in all too many ways. And, eventually, it opened the way into the historic Church for me.

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